The map is not the territory

But those who make newer maps, shape the world in strange ways.

Sketched on an afternoon when Kolkata was chocked in pollution and protest. _Soham Bose (Sb)

A life’s work

Someway or the other, we all tell stories, stories that explain who we are and where we are going. This is such an attempt to explain a world on the edge and hopefully to ‘nudge’ it away from the precipice.

Systems Thinking & Policy

Those who control systems and signals, control reality. Policy is the instrument of creating and shaping that reality through laws.

Narratives & Mimesis

Experience the fusion of ‘listening’ and ‘speaking.’ Our world is stories in flux, we mimic them and we make them.

AI & Tech

AI is Code. Code is Language. Language is the vehicle of Philosophy.


Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Out of the box Solutions.

Concept Projects

Discussing concepts in Bio-mimicry, Nature Based solutions, Urban Infra, Green Energy and Blue-Green Economy.

Climate Solutions

Climate Change is a systems problem and will be solved by systems. But, systems are built and maintained by us.

Resources for Edge Operators

Here is an evolving model for the VUCA world, many walk it. But those of us who aim to change it, need strategic routes to our goals.

Public Systems Thinking

  • Collaborate with fellow policy architects.
  • Showcase my policy projects.
  • Explain my policy thinking.

Narratives of the World

  • Understanding Narratives & Artefacts.
  • Case studies in Narrative Artefacts.
  • Design insights from the periphery

“Metacommentary is not driven by individual ambition but by the imperative to build an enduring system that outlasts any single mind. Its insights are not meant for quick consumption but for transmission to the edge operators and systems thinkers—those capable of advancing this philosophy with integrity and strategic depth. It does not react to the present; it architects the future.

Soham Bose

Author & Editor @ Metacommentary

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